On March 30th, the fifth round of Corporate Innovation Roundtable was successfully held by X·CIP Corporate Innovation (XNode ZhangJiang Space @VΠ NAXIAN 800). 20 large companies with a total of 40 innovative leaders participated in the roundtable with a hands-on experience of ideation workshop and speed-dating exchanges. Together we tried to break away from the conventional thinking and to explore on the theme "How to Find Intrapreneurs and Generate Ideas for Innovation". Let us review the highlights and takeaways of this roundtable.
Apart from the usual lectures, participants were arranged in teams of 5 and got to learn from each other better through fun games, all the while sharing the problems that occur in their respective fields and going through ideation to come up with numerous interesting insights and potential solutions and ideas.
After thinking through the problems and brainstorming, participants are encouraged to work as a startup and to engage and pitch their various ideas to the audience. By living and breathing a startup culture, we hope that this will inspire the innovative spirit in corporates, turning their ideas into actions in the near future.\
Corporations need to continue growth through innovation, and thus keep your leading position in the industries. We hope that through XNode's corporate innovation roundtables, participants would catch the ideas and instill a spark of entrepreneurship into corporation innovation.
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