Deep Market Research through Intensive Hackathon

May 14, 2021
Open Innovation


Deep Market Research through Intensive Hackathon

May 13, Intel® GrowthX and XNode held a packed #Market#Research#Hackathon between university students and our Batch 11 teams.

The enthusiastic young talents deep-dived into 4 Intel innovation projects in #Retailtech, #Confidentialcomputing, #VideoSolutions, and #Cloudtechnologies. In just 1 day, the students developed a comprehensive, value-added #marketresearch report, and presented their key findings to the #Intel#intrapreneurs who are commercializing ground-breaking solutions.

For #corporates looking to remain innovative like Intel, collaborations like these are the perfect opportunity to create and collect new ideas for their latest projects. At the same time, students are able to experience first-hand how top corporates do innovation and engage in real tech innovation work.

Intel GrowthX Batch 11 will continue to accelerate their projects and we look forward to their continuous progress.